School Policies


Below you will be able to find all our policies that are necessary to ensure the smooth and successful running of the school. 


Please read through them to understand how St Richard’s endeavours to ensure the best teaching and learning environment for our pupils and staff. Should you wish to discuss any of them then please contact a member of the Leadership and Management Team.


If you require a hard copy, please contact the school.

Listed below are the policies adopted by the Full Governing Body:


Issue Date

Review Date

Acceptable Use Policy

June 2024

June 2025

Accessibility Plan

January 2024

January 2026

Attendance Policy (for parents)

June 2024

June 2025

Attendance DfE Policy

May 2022

Pastoral Care and Behaviour Management Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance

May 2024

May 2025

Catholic Life, Vision and Ethos Policy

May 2024

May 2025

CCTV Policy

May 2024

May 2025

Charging and Lettings Policy

January 2023

September 2024

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Child Missing Education Policy

January 2024

January 2025

Code of Conduct for School Governors

October 2023

October 2024

Complaints Policy and Procedure

January 2024

January 2025

Complaints Policy – Appendix B – Complaint Form

January 2024

January 2025

Curriculum Policy 2023-2024

September 2023

September 2024

Data Protection Policy

May 2024

May 2025

Disciplinary Literacy and Oracy Policy

March 2024

March 2025

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy

March 2023

March 2025

Equality Policy and Action Plan

September 2023

September 2024

Examinations Policy

November 2023

November 2024

Fairtrade Policy

September 2021

September 2024

Feedback and Assessment Policy

September 2022

September 2023

Food Policy

July 2023

July 2024

Friendship and Anti-Bullying Policy

June 2024

June 2025

Governors’ Visits Policy

March 2024

March 2026

Health & Safety Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Home School Agreement

September 2023

September 2024

Homework Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Library Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Literacy Policy

September 2022

September 2024

Looked After and Previously Looked After Child Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Managing Bereavement and Loss Policy

May 2021

May 2025

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

March 2023

March 2025

MHEW Support Guidance and Threshold Policy

March 2024

March 2025

Numeracy Policy

March 2023

March 2025

Online Safety Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Prefect Policy

October 2020

October 2025

Privacy Notice – Governors & Volunteers Information

September 2023

September 2024

Privacy Notice – School Workforce Information

September 2023

September 2024

Privacy Notice – Pupil Information

September 2023

September 2024

Provider Access Policy

March 2024

March 2025

Pupil Premium Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Remote Teaching and Learning Policy

October 2023

October 2024

School Visitors Policy & Procedure

October 2023

October 2024

Searching, Screening & Confiscation Policy

September 2023

September 2024

SEN Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Special Category Data Policy

October 2023

October 2024

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

September 2023

September 2024

Teaching and Learning Policy

September 2023

September 2024

Use of Images Policy

June 2024

June 2025

Whistle-Blowing Policy – Raising Concerns

November 2023

November 2024