School News

The Local Authority is currently responsible for setting school term and holiday dates for all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.  In the case of Foundation, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies, Governing Bodies are responsible for setting their own term dates. East Sussex County Council is consulting...

Fairtrade Fortnight begins today (Monday, 27th February). Please see attached the range of activities and events taking place in school to support Fairtrade. Fairtrade Fortnight Events  ...

Southern Railway – Updated Strike Information 20th February 2017 RMT strike action We regret that the RMT union has announced strike action by its conductor members on Wednesday 22 February. Southern Railway will run as full a timetable as it can, but encourages passengers to check a...

Special activities to mark the Chinese New Year was led by pupils from the Mandarin Club in the linkway on Monday, 30th January at lunchtime. In RE, on Thursday, 2nd February, the Year 11s had a speaker in from the Gatwick Detainee Centre. She talked...

Bexhill Academy Community Apprenticeship Event Monday 6th March 2017, 5.30pm-7.30pm Invitation to your staff, parents and students Bexhill Academy are organising a Community Apprenticeship Event to tie in with National Apprenticeship Week.  The aim of the event is to educate parents, students and staff about the range of...

Mathematics for Mums and Dads with Rob Eastaway 88% of children say their maths confidence improves when parents become more involved in their learning of mathematics.‘The Parent Factor’ 2015. You are invited to a fun and enlightening afternoon with Rob Eastaway, broadcaster and author. Rob will lead us through...

Last week, Years 10 and 11 had an assembly on the Diocesan Lourdes pilgrimage and the Youth Service – Redshirts. Year 11 pupil, Jitsy Judathadevus and former pupil Molly Phipps gave uplifting presentations on their experiences as Redshirts. What is a Redshirt? Lourdes is a place that...