
Please click here to read a report from the Yellowmen Charity, thanking St Richard's for its continued support of their work in Pokot County, Kenya. ...

Many people in East Sussex have experienced increases in the cost of living over the past few months. Please click here to view local and national resources to help support families. ...

St Richard's Art Department were delighted to attend the first Farley's Art Trust Awards evening which took place recently at the Farley's Gallery in Muddles Green in Chiddingly. Please click here to read more. ...

GCSE Art pupils took part in a full day workshop with the wonderful artist, Carne Griffiths. Carne shared his work, demonstrated his incredible techniques and how he uses materials including ink and tea! Pupils created some incredible work on the day towards their GCSE coursework....

Year 10 GCSE Fine Art pupils spent a very busy day at Brighton University in September taking part in a series of exciting art workshops delivered by trainee art teachers at the School of Education. The pupils learnt many new skills and techniques including photography...

The presentation and notes from the KS4 Curriculum/Strategies Evening can be found below. Please click on the headings to view.  Michelle Miller Presentation Parent/Carer notes Pupil notes Revision Plan ...