St Richard’s pupil artwork chosen for prestigious Holocaust Memorial Day exhibition at Westminster

St Richard’s pupil artwork chosen for prestigious Holocaust Memorial Day exhibition at Westminster

The fantastic artwork of St Richard’s Year 10 pupil Ivy Weeks-Pearson was chosen as a winner in the [Extra]Ordinary Portraits competition recently. Ivy has had her work displayed in a Holocaust Memorial Day exhibition at Westminster. 

[Extra]Ordinary Portraits is a collection of artworks that reveal the ‘extraordinary elements of seemingly ordinary people’. The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust partnered with The Royal Drawing School and asked young people across the UK to learn about someone affected by the Holocaust, genocide or identity-based persecution and create a portrait of them. 

As part of her prize, Ivy was very proud to attend the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust’s event at St John Smith Square’s Concert Hall, Westminster on Wednesday 25th January. She was privileged to hear speakers including survivors of the Holocaust and genocide, senior political and faith leaders including the Rt Hon Michael Gove, the Archbishop of Canterbury – Justin Welby, and Judge Rinder.

Photographer, Rankin, one of the competition judges, said “Not only does the competition nurture the creative talent of young people, but it also continues to introduce the importance of Holocaust Memorial Day to a whole new generation.”
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