Consultation: East Sussex Term and Holiday Dates 2018/19

Mar 3, 2017

The Local Authority is currently responsible for setting school term and holiday dates for all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.  In the case of Foundation, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies, Governing Bodies are responsible for setting their own term dates.

East Sussex County Council is consulting on three options for school term and holiday dates for the academic year 2018/19. The consultation commences on Friday 24 February.  The council is inviting schools, parents/carers and other interested parties to tell us their preferred option.  We hope that as many people as possible will respond.  The consultation will run for two weeks and can be accessed online from Friday 24 February by using the following link

Comments should be submitted by Friday 10 March 2017.

The Director of Children’s Services will confirm the agreed dates by Monday 27 March.  Dates will be published on the East Sussex County Council website shortly afterwards.