Pupil Voice

St Richard’s values pupil voice and seeks to have a range of avenues for pupil voice to be clearly heard. Listening to the voice of the pupils ensures that we maintain a vibrant teaching and learning environment; that we keep them safe; that we use their ideas and opinions in self-evaluation practices and that they recognise that their voice is valued.

Pupil Voice is carried out regularly through surveys organised by Pastoral Leaders; through termly monitoring in each subject area; through Year Group Councils and through visits three times a year by members of the Governing Body who survey their views and opinions on a range of areas including safeguarding, teaching and learning, spiritual life, SRE and being a pupil at St Richard’s Catholic College.

All surveys/interviews are evaluated with a series of action points for staff to be aware of and to respond to, in some cases.

Ways in which we seek pupil voice:

  • The School Council is one of the key ways of communicating with our pupils. Pupils from each year are elected and meet regularly to discuss both short and long-term projects and improvements. Members of the Senior Prefect Team are represented on the Council and engage with pupils through discussion and share feedback with the Pupil Leadership Co-ordinator and the LMT.
  • Pupils from all years are encouraged to offer feedback to departments through Pupil Voice. All departments use Google Classroom to collate and share data in order that the school can enhance current teaching and learning practices.
  • Equalities Council this group was established in 2021 to ensure that the voice of all cultures is heard. It is composed of pupils representing all cultural groups in the school with a brief to ensure that our curriculum celebrates diversity, is inclusive and celebrates other cultures. This group is led by Mr Lahache.
  • Liturgy forms a central part of our community life and thus pupils are encouraged to develop and enhance St Richard’s spiritual life through the election of Liturgy Reps. Liturgy Reps work with their form tutors and peers to decorate classrooms and display boards appropriately for the liturgical season (e.g. Advent, Christmas, Easter) and bring a strong sense of spirituality to all areas of the school. Each year, a Liturgy Captain and Deputy are elected to support the Lay Chaplain, Jo, in strengthening all aspects of liturgical life. Opinions are sought on the quality of services, masses and opportunities for worship.
  • TA Co-ordinators carry out surveys with pupils of SEN to ensure their voice is heard and their experiences are enriched. When Governors meet with pupils, Pastoral Leaders ensure that there is a spread of abilities represented.
  • Governors visit each semester to seek the view of pupils on a range of issues. They will also come in if there is a sudden need to discuss something within school life such as school uniform.

Our Prefects and Student Listeners work hard to hear the voice of our more vulnerable pupils.
The area of pupil voice encompasses leadership opportunities and there are now a variety of leadership roles within the school where pupil voice is sought.

Wellbeing Ambassadors, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Senior Prefect Team , Head Boy/Head Girl.

Leadership roles are co-ordinated by our Pupil Leadership Co-ordinators; Mrs Hannah Holder, Mrs Sarah Ellis and Mrs Liz Taylor-Singfield.

They organise meetings, training and provide feedback to LMT on what the pupils are concerned about. They also report back to various areas of the school e.g. the Building Committee of the School Council reports back to the Caretaking staff; the Food Committee report back to the Canteen staff or Chartwells etc. Minutes are provided and shared with all staff.

St Richard's Mission Statement

Comitas, Scientia, Caritas

St Richard's Catholic College is a community where all are welcomed in the spirit of Christian love and respect. Our school encourages the wonder and joy of learning in order to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential. We enable all to flourish and grow together in friendship and in faith.

We aspire to be courageous, having the integrity and the spiritual strength to make a positive difference in the world, both now and in the future. We endeavour to cherish our school motto of Community, Knowledge and Charity.

"I have come so that all may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)