Exam success & Information


2024 GCSE Results

St. Richard’s Catholic College is pleased to share the success of Year 11 pupils who have achieved really well in this year’s GCSE examinations.

Headline figures for the BASICs measure (English and Maths combined) were 84% at 4-9 grades and 70% at 5-9 grades. There were many outstanding performances with a significant number of pupils achieving grade 9s in all their subjects. There was little within school variation across subjects and the Attainment 8 score this year was 55.5.

All pupils are to be congratulated on their enthusiastic endeavours, commitment to their studies and ambition to do well. They can now look forward to even greater success at Sixth Form, Apprenticeships and in their future careers.


The documents below have been provided to give candidates useful information on what they should and should not do when under examination conditions, completing controlled assessments and coursework. Mrs Fletcher, Exams Officer is available to answer any queries and explain the attached documents.

St Richard's Mission Statement

Comitas, Scientia, Caritas

St Richard's Catholic College is a community where all are welcomed in the spirit of Christian love and respect. Our school encourages the wonder and joy of learning in order to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential. We enable all to flourish and grow together in friendship and in faith.

We aspire to be courageous, having the integrity and the spiritual strength to make a positive difference in the world, both now and in the future. We endeavour to cherish our school motto of Community, Knowledge and Charity.

"I have come so that all may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)