On entry to St Richard’s your son or daughter will be assigned a Personal Tutor whose role is to support, nurture and care for your child throughout their five years with us. In addition, there are five Pastoral Leaders who have the job of ensuring academic progress and fostering a year group identity where pupils feel appreciated, supported and developed.

Mrs E Dann

Designated Safeguarding Lead/Senior Mental Health Lead/Pastoral Support Manager who oversees Pastoral Care

Mr J. Bligh

Pastoral Leader of Year 7

Mrs J. Murphy

Pastoral Leader of Year 8

Mrs A. Hills

Pastoral Leader for Year 9

Mr J. Steele

Pastoral Leader of Year 10

Mr R. Doherty

Assistant Principal and Pastoral Leader of Year 11

Mr J. Campbell

Senior Assistant Principal / Attendance Lead

Mr I Smith


Mrs S. Ellis

HIVE Teaching Assistant

Mrs L. Taylor-Singfield

HIVE Teaching Assistant

Never hesitate to contact your son or daughter’s Personal Tutor or Pastoral Leader over any matter that is causing worry or concern, however small. We always want to hear from you and will always return your call or email within 24 hours. We believe that working together is key to ensuring a happy and productive time at school for your child.

We look to provide an enriching school experience alongside academic success. All young people are different; we celebrate this and look for ways to involve everybody in our community. A plentiful and varied menu of extra-curricular activities exists at St Richard’s and pupils are actively encouraged to participate in those that most interest them. A plethora of sports clubs and creative expressive arts club (Music, Drama, Art, Dance) run alongside a wide variety of interest clubs such as philosophy, chess club, code club, debating team.

The St Richard’s Crest is an integral part of our rewards system, it sets out to develop character and the stage reached yearly (Bronze, Silver and Gold) will be recorded in your son/daughter’s report.

There are many opportunities for your son and daughter to get involved in the leadership of the school such as becoming a form representative, school council rep, liturgy rep, anti-bullying ambassador, student listener or Prefect.

We recognise that some young people may need more tailored help to guide them through a particular problem or time in their lives. When this happens we have a range of professionals who come into school to offer this support. These include:

  • Counsellor
  • School Nurse service
  • Behaviour & Attendance Officer
  • Parent Support Adviser
  • Substance misuse service
  • Mental Health Support Team
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Lay Chaplain

We also have many in house support workshops from anger management to social use of language groups. We have an excellent bereavement support group run by trained members of staff called Spectrum.

Pastoral Support Poster for Key Stage 3
Pastoral Support Poster for Key Stage 4

Support Services at St Richard’s

Top tips for parents to support their children with their wellbeing from Open for Parents
Support for pupils and their families from Action Your Potential
Additional Needs Parent/Carer Support Group
Parent/Carer resources from Young Minds
Parent/Carer resources available on NSPCC websites
Information from Bexhill PCN: Children and Young Persons Care Coordinator

Keep Young People Safe Free programme for parents and carers

SAYPH Hub (Supporting Adolescents and Young Peoples Health Hub)
Do you need a hand? The cost of living help that is on offer in East Sussex

Mental Health and Wellbeing difficulties support information

Open for Parents Hastings & Rother Parenting Guide, October-December 2023

St Richard's Mission Statement

Comitas, Scientia, Caritas

St Richard's Catholic College is a community where all are welcomed in the spirit of Christian love and respect. Our school encourages the wonder and joy of learning in order to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential. We enable all to flourish and grow together in friendship and in faith.

We aspire to be courageous, having the integrity and the spiritual strength to make a positive difference in the world, both now and in the future. We endeavour to cherish our school motto of Community, Knowledge and Charity.

"I have come so that all may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)