School Day


The school day begins with every pupil on site by 8.40am when they make their way to classes for registration or, at least twice a week, to assembly in the Hall or Gym. Registration is a chance for pupils and their form tutors to catch up, pass on the day’s news, look at the day’s scripture reading and prayer, participate in DEAR and generally create a positive start to the day’s learning.

On Tuesdays, Registration is extended to include PSHEe, which follows a well-thought out scheme of work spanning pupils time at St Richard’s, with the aim of equipping pupils with useful knowledge and skills for the outside world as well as helping them become thoughtful, reflective, and engaged members of society.

Assemblies follow both liturgical themes and wider community themes such as Black History Week, Anti-Bullying Week, Remembrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day. The Assembly setting allows Senior Staff, Pastoral Leaders and external speakers to speak to a wider audience and offer thought-provoking presentations.

Following registration, pupils have two lessons of 45-50 minutes (dependant on day) before break-time. After break, pupils undertake two more lessons before lunch. The afternoon resumes at 1.35 or 1.45 and concludes by 3.15 (KS3) or 3.20 (KS4). Tuesdays are unique with 45-minute lessons scheduled to make time for PSHEe in the morning.

A typical school week amounts to 33 hours.



Pupils are expected to arrive for class five minutes before the beginning of each morning/afternoon session.
The day begins and ends with a prayer or reflection.
All pupils are expected to be ready for learning with the appropriate books, equipment and positive approach.
Pupils are not allowed off school premises at lunch time.

Registration 8:40 – 9:10
Lesson 1 9:10 – 10:00
Lesson 2 10:00 – 10:50
Break 10:50 – 11:05
Lesson 3 11:05 – 11:55
Lesson 4 11:55 – 12:45
Lunch 12:45 – 1:35
Lesson 5 1:35 – 2:25
Lesson 6 2:25 – 3:10
Registration 8:40 – 9:40
Lesson 1 9:10 – 10:25
Lesson 2 10:25 – 11:10
Break 11:10 – 11:25
Lesson 3 11:25 – 12:10
Lesson 4 12:10 – 12:55
Lunch 12:55 – 1:45
Lesson 5 1:45 – 2:30
Lesson 6 2:30 – 3:10

Extra-Curricular activities run at lunch-time (1.00 – 1.30pm), with most clubs occurring after school (3.20 – 4.15pm).
Prep Club Plus runs 3.20 – 4.30pm (Monday to Thursday in Lab 7).

Prep Club runs 3.20pm – 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday and 3.20pm to 4.15pm on Friday in CICT.

The library is also open for reading, homework and ICT facilities (Monday to Thursday, 8.30am-4.30pm and Friday, 8.30am-3.30pm).

St Richard's Mission Statement

Comitas, Scientia, Caritas

St Richard's Catholic College is a community where all are welcomed in the spirit of Christian love and respect. Our school encourages the wonder and joy of learning in order to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential. We enable all to flourish and grow together in friendship and in faith.

We aspire to be courageous, having the integrity and the spiritual strength to make a positive difference in the world, both now and in the future. We endeavour to cherish our school motto of Community, Knowledge and Charity.

"I have come so that all may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)