The May newsletter can be found at the following link:
Please note there is a meeting regarding the French trip on Thursday (25th May) for parents at 6.30pm in the hall.
Nine Year 7 pupils took part in a fantastic project with the DLWP last week. The pupils were given a VIP visit to the Simon Patterson exhibition whilst it was still being hung and were lucky to meet and ask him about the exhibition and his work. Ashley McCormick, the Head of Learning & Participation at the DLWP gave the pupils a personal tour of the exhibition where the pupils took notes.
The pupils were then recorded speaking to create Audio Files about the works seen and their experience of the exhibition. The purpose of Audio Files is to offer a range of authentic voices in the gallery, to open up discourse about the artworks and related ideas, to allow for diverse viewpoints. The public can access the recordings on headphones in the gallery and online. Each season the DLWP invite different groups to make the recordings to offer a range of authentic voices in the gallery.
The pupils were a credit to St Richard’s and came up with some wonderful comments about the work.
The exhibition opened on Saturday