Last week, Years 10 and 11 had an assembly on the Diocesan Lourdes pilgrimage and the Youth Service – Redshirts. Year 11 pupil, Jitsy Judathadevus and former pupil Molly Phipps gave uplifting presentations on their experiences as Redshirts.
What is a Redshirt?
Lourdes is a place that changes people. Since 2004, nearly 600 young people from all over the Diocese have experienced what it means to be a Redshirt. We are a group of young people from school years 10 and 11 who, led by a fantastic and committed team of young leaders, share a life changing experience.
One of the best things about the Redshirts is the friendships that are made through our time together. The sense of community and openness of the group is commented on every single year – anyone is welcome, and everyone is accepted for who they are.
During their time together, both in Lourdes and back home, there are plenty of opportunities for games, building friendships, prayer, discussion, exploring, free time, a lot of laughter and the occasional ice cream! The aim is to return home as better people and Lourdes is the perfect setting to (re)discover your faith and what it is that you believe, both as Catholics and as individuals.
So if you’re interested in embarking on a journey that is guaranteed to be a whole lot of fun; help you make great friendships; help you to understand who you truly are and help you to grow in your faith then Redshirts 2017 is exactly what you are looking for!
Contact Charlotte Booth (Redshirts Admin support) 01403 740110 or email for an application pack.
Redshirts Pilgrimage is organised by the Diocese and is not a school trip, however the Chaplaincy is happy to support any pupils in their application and with any fundraising they wish to do. Please contact, Lay Chaplain Jo with any questions.
Jo Doyle [Lay Chaplain]